Kisah-kisah teladan dari Nabi dan Rosul, sahabat-sahabat Rosulullah saw, tabi’in, tabi’ut tabi’in, serta imam dan orang-orang sholeh pada akhir jaman yang mengikuti jejak Rosulullah saw. berdasar Al Qur’an dan As Sunnah

Shaykh Ahmad ibn Yahya an-Najmee He is our noble Shaykh, the ‘Allaamah, the Muhaddith, the Faqeeh, the present Muftee of the district of Jaazaan and the carrier of the Flag of the Sunnah and hadeeth in it – Shaykh Ahm…

Shaykh Dr. Rabee’ Ibn Haadee ‘Umayr al-Madkhalee He is the Noble Shaykh, the Scholar of Hadeeth Rabee’ Ibn Haadee ‘Umayr al-Madkhalee. He comes from the well-known tribe of al-Madaakhalah from the province of Jaazaan to the south of …

Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajid | Kisah-Kisah Teladan He was born on 30/12/1381 AH. He completed his elementary, middle and secondary schooling in Riyaadh, and completed his university studies in al-Dahran, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.…

SHILAH BIN ASY-YAM AL-‘ADAWI | Kisah-Kisah Teladan Kisah ini sangat menarik sekali, sekaligus mengharukan. Betapa tidak? Bagaimana terkoleksi pada seorang tokoh dua sifat; seorang yang ahli ibadah tapi juga pemberani di medan perang. I…

Sholahuddin Al Ayyubi (532 – 589 H) Pada masa pemerintahan Khalifah Umar bin Khattab (13-23 H/634-644 M) Jerussalam dapat dikuasai oleh kaum muslimin dalam suatu penyerahan kuasa secara damai. Sayidina Umar sendiri datan…
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